Home » Tips for going to a Pumpkin Patch

Tips for going to a Pumpkin Patch

Walking in a pumpkin patch

Who needs some tips for Pumpkin picking? I first started throwing Pumpkin Parties when I purchased my home. I didn’t have children, but saw a need for kids to participate in good wholesome crafty fun. Back then (and still today) parents couldn’t afford extras like pumpkins and parties. Since I didn’t have kids, I felt it was my gift to them to set up, host and throw a fun kid party each year.

Thus a tradition of pumpkin parties began until last year. It was the first time in 15 years I did not host a Pumpkin party. It’s pretty sad. So we decided to go to a Pumpkin Patch and pick our own pumpkins rather than just buying from a produce stand. If you are comfortable throwing a Pumpkin Party and want some tips check out THIS POST.

Pumpkins growing Once I shared our trip I got several questions, so here a few tips for picking pumpkins:

**Wear comfortable clothes

**Bring something to keep them in. While the stand we visited gave us baskets to use while picking we still needed our own way to get them back home with us. I suggest a basket or bucket.

**They price per Quart, pound and bushel

** Search your local area and find farms then keep notifications on because many of the “U PICK” items are seasonal and weather permitting. The dates are ever changing and seem to sell out quick!Field of pumpkins by a barn

I know you can go and purchase pumpkins from a chain store BUT I grew up by farmers. Ok, so it’s convenient to just buy from a store but I want to support locals. Farming is hard at the best of times so buying a pumpkin is just my way of saying “thank you”. After physically picking our pumpkins from a patch. I think we will continuing to do that every year as well. While roadside produce stands are fun this was more our speed. If you want to see some of the other produce we picked this year take a look at these articles: Grapes, Strawberries, Cherries, Peaches and Apples.

Pin for later Pumpkin Patch tips

Do you pick out  your Pumpkins??

Grocery store or Local Farm Stand??

Do you curve Pumpkins??


  1. Blushy Darling
    November 2, 2020 / 4:47 pm

    I wish we had pumpkin patches here, I'd love to visit

  2. The Super Mom Life
    November 2, 2020 / 5:04 pm

    I'm so sad that we weren't able to visit our local pumpkin patch this year. We missed it terribly!

  3. Sarah Jean
    November 2, 2020 / 6:43 pm

    I took my toddler to a pumpkin patch recently and let her pick out a tiny one she could carry. haha. She loved it!

  4. Unknown
    November 3, 2020 / 2:15 am

    Definitely gotta bring comfy change of clothes! esp if its super hot in the day!