Home » Apple Granola Crisp Recipe

Apple Granola Crisp Recipe

 I am so happy the fall season is upon us. I am breaking out every apple & pumpkin recipe we have. This is a easy to make recipe with a lot of flavor.

What you will need:

4 apples ( I used red delicious)

1/4 cup brown sugar

1 cup granola

2 tsp of ground cinnamon  

1 stick of butter

Skin and dice the apples. 

Once you have down that add your cinnamon to a bowl and mix together.

 Melt a half a stick of butter in a frying pan on low. 

Add the apples, brown sugar and cook down until they are soft.

Add the cooked apples to a pie pan. Heat the other half of stick of butter. Pour into bowl and add the granola. I mix and spread over top of the cooked apples. Bake on 350 until granola has a browned color. 

We like to serve with cool whip but that is completely optional.
