Home » What legal stuff do you need to know about making blogging a business?

What legal stuff do you need to know about making blogging a business?

Enjoy these tips in collaboration with Doug Healy

Today I want to talk about behind the scenes of blogging. It often looks like influencers and bloggers have the life! In a lot of ways we do have some pretty sweet benefits. Free travel, free products but these all come with both work and responsibility! My son often jokes he would NEVER do this as a profession because I work to much. Let’s see if you have what it takes and what to make blogging a legal career!

1. Decide whether you are a hobby blogger or a legal business.

At first my blog was a hobby because I was a stay at home Mom. When my son grew up and went off to school I decided to take the plunge and make it a career. ‘But, just because you decide something does not mean it will happen! It takes WORK!

2. The blogging profession takes work!

I work more now than I ever have in my life. My corporate job pales in comparison to the amount of hours I log now. I also have more rewards! I can travel with my entire family and experience new things before they are open to the public. I also can give back to our community shelters, soup kitchen and schools because of the wonderful sponsors I work with. 

3. Read up on FTC rules & regulations

Any business has to have a legal side to it. Make sure you have disclaimers, following copyright laws and even have a lawyer on stand by. Blogging has rules just like any other outlet and trust me people hold you to them online! Check out my disclaimer page HERE.

4. If you decide to blog, as a business, you need to brand yourself. 

This is so important because it sets you apart from other bloggers. It let’s everyone know what you have to offer them and why they should read YOU! If you think people will just buy stuff from you sight unseen that is just not the case. Figure out if you want to be a influencer or a company brand and build your following through active engagement!

4. Never let anyone tell you, you have to fit in a box! 

I have been told, only write one topic focus on ONE niche. My brain does not work like that. Bloggers used to tell me I could not achieve something but I knew I could and went after it anyway. 

5. Create a list of goals. 

Write an obtainable goal list and then write a ‘crazy off the wall I hope this happens in a million years’ list. I find I reach the crazy one’s first! 

6. Once you have found out what you will write, and your personal style, Market, market, MARKET! 

Let people know about you and your blog. If I could go back and redo this step it would have saved me hours of headaches! I started my blog first and then never started social media sites to market. My blog grew but my media sites were no where because I had not started them yet. 

7. Learn from your mistakes.

This may be my last tip but it is just as important as the rest! Learn, ask questions and be willing to take productive criticisms. Also be able to here “NO”, from companies, bloggers well everyone. No, does not mean never just not right now.



  1. Unknown
    June 14, 2016 / 12:34 am

    These are great tips. A lot of work goes into blogging. I enjoy every bit of it. I am doing something I love, writing and photography!

  2. Leslie
    June 14, 2016 / 1:23 am

    I would love to be able to be a blogger full time but I am a new blog and the blog I had 3 years before this one was only a hobby. I'd really like to turn this one into something. I'm a new follower, it's nice to meet you.

  3. Eugenia
    June 14, 2016 / 5:43 am

    Great post about blogging, love it !
    I totally agree on everything,moreover on the last point.
    It is important to never give up, be open to learn and always pointing the objective, no metter how crazy or difficult it looks .

  4. Unknown
    June 14, 2016 / 11:38 am

    It really IS work! Great post! xo

  5. Unknown
    June 14, 2016 / 3:47 pm

    Excellent tips! All are noted! I agree that it is important to treat your work as official business!

  6. Beauty Brite
    June 16, 2016 / 4:28 pm

    Great tips! I've done a few posts like this! It helps to hear feedback from fellow bloggers about how they learned along the way!