This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.
Over the past few months I have shared my journey on the Always Eat After 7 PM dieting program. you an check out some of my posts:
Say Yes to a Healthier Lifestyle: Always Eat After 7 PM Book Challenge
Interview with Joel Marion, Author of Always Eat after 7PM
My Always Eat After 7 PM Goals
Always Eat After 7 PM by Joel Marion is a revolutionary rule-breaking diet that lets you enjoy huge dinners, desserts, and indulgent Snacks—while burning fat overnight.
The most challenging times to curb hunger are just before bed and in the morning. By following the Always Eat After 7PM program, you have the most willpower to stay on the diet because you are eating during the hours when you are most hungry. This also puts you into both intermittent fasting increasing testosterone and your metabolism, while putting you into ketosis.
“So, despite all the bad press over the years, certain carbohydrates play an important role in balancing your hormones and regulating your metabolic rate, while avoiding the dreaded weight loss plateaus that accompany conventional mainstream diets. Furthermore, when you eat these carbohydrates, you’ll feel much better than you would if you were following a traditional diet.”
“In general, healthy fats can also help increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction because they regulate appetite through a number of mechanisms, including the release of appetite hormones. What’s more, combining fat with fiber has been shown to further increase the satiating potential of fat. The satiating power of fats is often one explanation offered to describe why some weight loss trials have shown that low-carbohydrate (and higher-fat) diets tend to lead to greater weight loss than low-fat diets.”
The best things to take away from this book is the healthier ways to kick start your body into doing what you want it to do. Here are a few benefits I found while following his guidelines:
More energy
Loss of weight
Re-balance of Fat Burning Hormones
a boost in my Metabolism
Helped to balance my blood sugar
deeper sleep
Learn more about the book and how to purchase here.
This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.