Home » Netflix shows centered around Antiques

Netflix shows centered around Antiques

Antiques Store in Las Vegas

From a very young age my family has enjoyed shopping for Antiques at Sales. No matter if we are on vacation we still find time to search out deals. Watching Netflix to feed this passion of finding great deals during the Winter months. Enjoy our look around Boulder City, Nevada at Antique shops while I suggest some great Netflix shows!! I also threw in some DIY/ Home improvement shows as well because that is what we use many of our finds. Restoring my house I bought when I was 20 back to it’s former traditional style.

Boulder City, Nevada Sign

**I received a free service to facilitate my review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.

1. Backyard Bounty- These guys know how to search out treasures in the back countries of the US. 

2. Deal$rs Put your Money where your mouth Is- Love watching to see what they find while out shopping.

Boulder City street

3. Find it, Fix it, Flog it- Watch as Auctioneers find pieces to resell. See who gets the bigger bang for their buck!

4. Can’t Pay we’ll Take it away- This is not so much finding deals but what happens when people do not pay. Watch as the repo teams take back items that people have NOT paid for.

Boulder City street Market

5. The Renters- Watch as landlords clean up apartments people left in horrific conditions.

6. Carver Kings- Watch as guys make wooden creations and then later sell them.

Antiques displayed outdoors

7. Deals, Wheels and Steals- These people buy cars without knowing if they will even run. Watch as they buy to resell.

8. Reno my Reno- Everyone loves great renovation house projects!

Cast Iron Dog statue

9. Brojects- Just another great home renovation show I had t mention.

10. Canada’s Worst Handyman- I think the name of this show says it ALL.

Vintage restored Truck

11. Selling Houses with Sarah Beeny’s-While redoing my home I have thought about selling it many times!

12. Treasures from the wreck of the unbelievable- I threw this show in because many times I come across underwater pieces in my deal shopping adventures!

Netflix shows centered around Antiques

Do you shop Yard Sales??

What DIY/Home Improvement or Antique show is your favorite??


1 Comment

  1. Unknown
    March 6, 2018 / 7:50 pm

    Oh goodness, I had no idea any of these shows were even on! I need to check some of them out for sure. Thanks for your informative post!