Home » Are you ready for the Fall Season?

Are you ready for the Fall Season?

 A few
years ago I would have sworn my favorite Season was summer. After two years of
100% humidity, I have really looked forward to fall time. Something about
pumpkins, scarves and hot chocolate make me smile. Halloween has always been my
favorite holiday so this time of year gets me excited to decorate. We headed to
at home in Erie, P.A. for some inspiration and spooky purchases!

I figured they were starting to
pull fall decor out but I was graced with FULL on Holiday displays! Talk
about a kid in a Halloween Candy bowl!

 While I
love pretty much all things centered on fall; I had to tone it down since
Halloween is still a few months away. 

I wanted to purchase some items to decorate the inside of our

Having a fall harvest tablescape can really bring your home
decor together. I love to cook so this area is a high traffic place for my
family. I decided to go with orange and beige coloring. Having a basic color scheme
seems to bring out the small touches you incorporate. I also was leaning
towards several “Owl” pieces. My son is really into the series Harry
Potter so I played off that inspiration for this room.

 One of
the first items I spotted while wondering the at home aisle were the
“Steam Punk” decor. This kind of decor is extremely popular in
the Young adult reading community. 

Basically, industrial gears and bronzes pieces fused together
creating art pieces. I found these “flying” keys and thought they
would make great conversational napkin holders. They are just so detailed and
funky in such a great way. 

They also are rather affordable at around $2.99!

I also stocked up on Pumpkins. I bought all shapes, colors,
textures and types. Nothing says Fall time like a bunch of pumpkins stacked
together! I also used several serving trays I found, in the
kitchen section, to help give height to these decorations. I love playing
with shapes to give more visual interest!

I won’t say I strictly stuck to the fall decor area in the store.
I did purchase some Halloween items as well. They even had blood dripping
candles (FREAKY). The jars I found in the clearance section and just glued some
labels on them. I had so much fun decorating I can’t wait for the weather to
cool down and watch the leaves change!

Do you decorate for the fall?

What colors are you going to work with this year??



  1. Jeannette
    September 1, 2017 / 2:36 pm

    I can't believe that it is almost full. This year has flown by and I need to slow down. I do love the fall though and one of the reasons why is because of the decorations.

  2. Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle
    September 1, 2017 / 4:37 pm

    I LOVE At Home. That store has everything you could want and stuff you didn't know you wanted until you found it!

  3. Jennifer H
    September 1, 2017 / 9:14 pm

    At Home has such great finds! I love shopping there, just wish it were closer.

  4. Ann B
    September 1, 2017 / 10:13 pm

    Fall is my favorite time of the year. I have a few bins of decorations I am excited to get out and start mt fall decorating. I love these flying keys. I would be thrilled to add the to my decor.

  5. Unknown
    September 1, 2017 / 10:29 pm

    OMG! I am heading there this weekend and now I really cannot wait!

  6. Liz Mays
    September 1, 2017 / 10:52 pm

    Oh I'm loving the cute pieces you found! I really need to stop into At Home for some decorations!

  7. Pam
    September 2, 2017 / 12:58 am

    I can't believe fall is almost here. I have to start decorating for it now!

  8. Brianne
    September 2, 2017 / 1:15 am

    I kept saying I wasn't ready but when I saw the halloween stuff, I'm getting kind of excited. My kids are already picking out their costumes!

  9. Janis Brett Elspas
    September 2, 2017 / 1:38 am

    That looks like a great store. Those little pumpkins with sayings on them would be a lot of fun to have when decorating for Halloween this year.

  10. Flossie McCowald | SuperMomHacks
    September 2, 2017 / 2:40 am

    I try to decorate for the seasons when I can. But having broken my foot 11 weeks ago (NO weight bearing or driving!), I will confess it's all I can do to keep the house picked up these days! That looks like a fabulous store – is it just local to your area? I've never heard of it but will have to look for one if it's a chain!

  11. susan5minutesformom
    September 2, 2017 / 4:51 am

    Looks like a pretty great haul from AtHome Stores. It seems like they have a nice selection of Halloween items like that "Got it, Haunt it" pumpkin.

  12. Jiya
    September 2, 2017 / 6:15 am

    I just loved the decor. You are welcoming fall so beautifully I must say. Loved the post.

  13. Jocelyn @ Hip Mama's Place
    September 2, 2017 / 7:10 am

    It's so exciting to welcome the Fall! I have been gathering the decor but I feel like I need to shop for more! These are all so adorable!

  14. Toni | Boulder Locavore
    September 2, 2017 / 7:39 am

    I really love these decorating ideas!! Really fun pieces! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Anonymous
    September 2, 2017 / 3:56 pm

    I am so excited about fall and can't wait to start decorating!!! We have one of these stores near us and we've never been… I'm excited to go there today and see what I can find! Shell