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Trying to Conceive

“When are you going to have a baby?” Seems like such an innocent question. It is one I heard every day after I got married! For many it comes with so much pressure and sadness. From the time I was very young I have always wanted to be a mother. Many young girls dream of meeting their soul mate, getting married and starting a family. I was no different. I never realized how hard getting and staying pregnant was! You can read my struggles here.

“This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.”

Seeing photos of pregnant women or newborns are everywhere. I can say from personal experience struggling with infertility is so hard. You feel alone, guilty and constantly second guess yourself and body. Emotions run high, low and you can not help but feel discouraged. Keep your chin up! If you really want a family there are so many options out there to help. From someone who tried for a year and a half through miscarry and an ectopic pregnancy I know this path is so VERY difficult!

Stork OTC ( I found is locally at our CVS) is an innovative, home-use device that helps with becoming pregnant. Whether you are just starting on your journey to parenthood or have been trying for longer, let The Stork OTC optimize your chances of conceiving. This smart technique puts the sperm at the  opening of the cervix as possible, optimizing your chances of conception.

* The Stork OTC is the only conception assistance device cleared by the FDA for over-the-counter sales to consumers, without a prescription.
* The Stork OTC is delivering hope to millions of Americans struggling to conceive a child.

 (Can be used if you are diagnosed with infertility, have tried months without success, or simply want to get pregnant more quickly; also if you want to conceive without intercourse (LGBT, disabilities, single women).

* With The Stork OTC, consumers finally have an easy-to-use, drug-free, economical conception aid they can use at home, without a prescription.

* It is available now, online and in select retailer stores, for where to buy visit http://www.storkotc.com

Tips on How to be supportive:

* Try to learn about what your friend or family member is going through! I know for me, this was huge because it saved a lot of the unpleasant details.

* Let them vent to you about how they’re feeling on this very difficult road. Some days I was fine other days I down right did not want to get out of bed. I was always faced with a never ending infertility issue and felt so alone. Venting and a support system helped so much during this!

* Unfortunately when it comes to infertility, there are no quick fixes or answers. If you cannot physically get pregnant right away no amount of “trying” will speed up the process. Some people just have a difficult time getting pregnant.

The path of infertility can be long and full of so many emotions. Having a strong support system is so important and helpful. Not just for the “now” but also later on in your journey. I tried for a year and a half before I was blessed with my son, Mclachlan. We have all shared, even if it hasn’t always been fun, the ups, the downs, the laughs, the cries together forming a family unit I dreamed of having. He is my little man, my greatest and best life’s accomplishment. If you are struggling on this journey I encourage you to seek resources and big a support system!

Learn more about Stork OTC during a Twitter party on November 29 at 8pm EST!!

So many great prizes just use the hashtag  #becomingadad.
