Home » A&W Root beer vanilla bean float

A&W Root beer vanilla bean float

A&W Root beer floats

I hope we have all had the infamous “Root beer floats” within our lifetimes. News to me that some people, had never had one and asked how to make them at my sons birthday party. Here we go because they are SUPER easy to make! Who wants to make this A&W Root beer vanilla bean float drink.

A&W Root beer vanilla bean floats

What you will need to make these A&W Root beer vanilla bean float:

A&W Root Beer (I love this brand but you can use any)

Vanilla Ice cream (We use Vanilla Bean flavoring, optional)


Ice cream scoop


Root beer vanilla bean floats

I place a scoop of ice cream in the cup first! Add the straws. Gently add the Root Beer. Allow the Root Beer foam to fizzle out and add more Root Beer. That is it! Super easy to make, great for parties, serve and enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. Pamela
    August 21, 2016 / 7:11 pm

    Love making root beer floats! And A&W root beer is my favorite!