Home » DIY Pirate Sign

DIY Pirate Sign

 If you are convinced to throw a Pirate Party, like I was, this sign is a great addition! It is rather easy to create my son did it entirely on his own this year.

What you will need:

Thumb tacks

paint brushes


a few cardboard squares ( you can make these any size you like)

First paint each board the solid color you want. Laying each one to dry and start the next.

We created these outside in the sun and this helped speed the drying process along!

If you are throwing a kid party I strong encourage you t let your youngsters do this project. It really is so easy and they will have fun creating party decoration!

After each board was dry I painted the letting on. I could have let my son do this but he asked if I could instead.

 I also printed out a few extra characters to glue on. This just added some fun visuals!

 I found a stick in out yard to thumb tack the boards on. 

I also added a thumb tack at the top to hold balloons!

 This was the first thing guests saw as they came to the party. 

I love creating these sign poles, in all different types of birthday themes! 



  1. Unknown
    July 28, 2016 / 5:18 am

    What an awesome project!

  2. Unknown
    July 28, 2016 / 1:29 pm

    Adorable! I love this project! My son would be so excited!

  3. Unknown
    July 28, 2016 / 4:27 pm

    Your sign turned out so cute! My son would love it!

  4. Unknown
    July 28, 2016 / 4:28 pm

    Your sign turned out so cute! My son would love it. 🙂