Home ยป Brown Sugar Cured Ham Recipe

Brown Sugar Cured Ham Recipe

 Brown Sugar Cured Ham Recipe

What you will need:



1 can of pineapple chunks

Brown Sugar (I used light Organic)

 Place your ham in a oven sized pan. I used a Reynold’s Wrap liner, for easy clean up. Dump the pineapple slices/chunks in along with the juice from the can.

 I then coat the outside of the ham with the brown sugar! Cover honey over top and close the bag up.

 Since my Ham was already cooked it baked for about 1 hour at 365.

Cook until your Ham is nice and golden around the edges. 

Serve & Enjoy!



  1. Mommy K
    April 3, 2015 / 10:05 am

    Thanks for sharing this. Simple steps could make a ham very yummy! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.

  2. Laura
    April 4, 2015 / 5:43 am

    This looks delicious–but I am confused. Is the bag just for easier clean-up? Could I make it without a bag? Does it need a lid in that case?

  3. sharon rowe
    April 5, 2015 / 9:31 pm

    This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing on Monday Madness link party ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Jenn Peters
    December 15, 2015 / 6:10 pm

    This is almost exactly how I prep our ham ๐Ÿ™‚ Learned it from my mom. One of those great recipes that's so easy to pass down. Thank you so much for sharing on the #SundayBlogHop I'll be scheduling a few social shares of this!

  5. Katie
    December 19, 2015 / 2:03 am

    Hey fellow Western New Yorker! ๐Ÿ™‚ Is it snowing where you are yet? We've got a little dusting so far, ha! Anyways this looks great, I always make a ham for Christmas and this would be something different than the usual. Thanks for sharing, pinning!