Home » Apple Fest, Busti NY

Apple Fest, Busti NY

 As I was writing my blog posts the other day, I found this one all ready to go BUT I never posted it!! Since I am still dealing with some personal issues I thought “hey why not” post it even though its a few months late….you guys/gals don’t mind….. right???

Apple Fest, Busti NY is a Pioneer Crafts Festival, the original craft festival of southwestern

New York. It happens every year and I thought it would be nice to enjoy one of the last remaining days we have a great weather before the snow moves in.Trust me when I say the snow could come tomorrow in WNY without warning! In true fashion I was not wearing any shoes during my time and I have to say that gravel and stones hurt your feet!

 The craft booths number well over 100. The farmers’ market

includes apples, pumpkins, honey, maple products, and vegetables. We checked out a few vendors here and there along the path to the main focal point of the festival.

 Color Wise Owls & Sugar Plum Fairy Soap were among our favorites! 

There was just so many people it was really hard to “enjoy” the arts-n-crafts. 

 We shared some AMAZING Apple cider form the Busti Mill, got our stamps from different demonstrations. Mac wanted his photograph taken a few times so I jumped at the chance.

We also had the pleasure of seeing our friend the Apple Queen! 

Overall it was nice, hot weather and great day!

Do you have festivals in your town/area?
