~Sweet Suite 14 Blogger Bash unboxing~
I was extremely lucky to attend a Blogger conference last month in NYC. I have been meaning to upload this post but I just never seem to have time, EEK! I have been getting my only child Mclachlan ready for kindergarten and myself ready! So here is my post about the actual Blogger Bash itself and all the fun SWAG (aka free stuff) they gave us!
Amazing box, full of free swag, picture above.
Watch the video to see what is in side!!
Did I mention I drug my Mom along with me?
She is such a good sport when it comes to my work & traveling!
Thanks MOM!
Th blogger bash itself is a bunch of well organized parties where bloggers (that’s ME) and companies mingle together whilst looking over the NEWEST toys before they come onto the market.
Did I also mention you get these cool neat-o looking media press passes???
Thanks @Crayola! Back to the event, basically
I got to play with toys & meet other bloggers!!! It was my first real experience into the “Blogging” world and I have to say I really enjoyed myself! So take a look at all the free stuff I came home with because I might just have some giveaways coming to share with all of you!
Thank you all so much for supporting my blog.
I bet you got all kinds of good ideas at the Blogger Bash. Smart of you to head on over there and get inspiration!
Never heard of this – thanks for sharing! How fun 🙂