Anyone else enjoy the occasional Car show? I know some of you women are thinking…”UM, NO! I get dragged to them every weekend. Well, I feel for ya I do but the Car show scene can be real fun for the kiddos. What’s not to love, Cars, oldies, music, free stuff & my personal favorite food!
First let’s start off with the basics. A Car show houses some of the newest or oldest restored models of cars. These owners bring their beloved hunks of steel & metal in the hopes of taking home a trophy and cash prize! So, they are generally out doors in the heat & sun. Should go without saying bring some necessary items to help your kiddos adjust and stay happy (not whiny).
A stroller if they tire from walking easily
I am also going to throw this out there although Car shows can be fun remember they are also Adult events. So remember there will be some Adult content, activities going on you may want to have the kids avoid. Also, these owners take pride in the cars they show off… so little fingers are always asked to keep off these expensive cars.
This is another great activity you can take your kids too. Brush up on models of cars and help educate them. Ask them what cars they like and play the let’s rank our favorite game!