I purchased this shelf/stand for $1 at a local auction house. It has been sitting in my garage for a while now and I thought for the sale maybe I should “spruce” it up a bit. Nothing to crazy but I know there is left still left in this wooden master piece.
Granted it has seen better days. I think I must be very obsessive because I use coasters at age 28? Does this make me old?? I know I have a small child but I like my things to last a long time and don’t want them looking like, well this. Is anyone else with me on this? So this surely had seen better days but was a stable piece of furniture that I thought a few brush strokes of paint could fix.
My Free Lowe’s paint came in handy.
Sandpaper I found laying around in the garage=Free
paint brush also found in the garage= Free
a block to help with distressing??
“Robin egg blue” is the perfect color in my opinion.
I love it so much it will be my new office wall color.
Throw some “lemon yellow” in there for Mac and white pillows I will be all set!
I coated it twice with the “Robin egg blue paint color.
But it looked too new and needed some Vintage touches.
I took my sandpaper and scuffed it up a bit.
Threw a candle and a doily on it. . .VOLA!
This does not look like the $1 item I first purchased, what do you think?
You are so clever & creative!
Love the color!