Yes, I know this is really just a brag post but hey it’s my blog I have to brag where the bragging is due! So we had Mac’s birthday party and I wanted to share some of the photos I took. Family all sitting around eating yummy home cooking from yours truly.
Fire pit was going to help cook the corn on the cob and give another seating area. I have to say cooking Shish-ka-bobs, corn, beans, fruit salad and chips n bean dip was pretty stress free and easy to make. Everything was made from scratch and didn’t take long to prepare, marinade and cook.
So my Piñata was a HIT, literally! That thing was awesome it held up to every kid more then once, pats self on the back. If you want to make a Piñata instead of buying one at the store I highly recommend it. It’s Cheap, easy and your little one can help. Learn how to make ithere.
Before you get all excited we did NOT stuff it with candy.
I think I have mentioned several times our son cannot have sugar due to health issues.
So we stuffed it with fake snakes, games, confetti and mints!
I ordered a photo cake from Wegmans.
They are fairly cheap and you just send a photo the night before.
Now that he is old enough to blow out his own candles it’s pretty exciting!
I recommend whip topping to help eliminate sugar and create a light and fluffy taste! Yum!
Well that is really all I have to say, just thought I would share!
His birthday is actually June 27th, but I wanted to get the family together so we partied early.
Over all I spent only $35 including his gifts, décor, food, cake etc. Not bad if I do say so myself!