Making a “Mother’s Day” Canvas or Mom gift for little to know money or effort.
What you will need to complete this gift:
Canvas ( you can pick these up anywhere even thrift stores
because you will paint over it!)
Sample Paint ( mine is from Home Depot .50 cents
Paint brush
Setting spray or you can use Hair spray
You children’s or grand children’s drawings and art work pieces
Stick of glue~not pictured they have them at the dollar tree!
Paint he canvas~ I used a light blue color over mine.
Let sit and dry for a good 10-15 minutes.
Cut the children’s scribbles into flower petals or a design and arrange how you want it to look. Then glue each piece down and make sure they are secure. I would recommend not using the white liquid glue to prevent dots and uneven surfaces. I just used a glue stick and plastered the back of the paper petals and it seemed to work just fine.
I wrote “Family” on this one but you can write the date, “Happy Mother’s Day” etc. Use a sharpie or marker to writing anything BEFORE sealing. They spray with a sealer or a aerosol hair spray will work as well! Let dry and you have great artwork that is easy, thoughtful and sentimental! Over all this gift can be less then $5 if you are resourceful! We gave them this year to the grandparents for Christmas and I really loved how the turned out so I made one for myself!
I love that you used your children's artwork on this. Nice!