Home » Cheap or Free Date Night Fun

Cheap or Free Date Night Fun

Since valentine’s day is right around the corner. I thought it would be nice to go over some great cheap date night ideas. I suggest having a date night every week to two weeks especially when you have children. Keeping your relationship healthy help you and your spouse but it also helps your children. Let’s face it if you are fighting and not really connected how on earth to appear to little one’s around you? So stay connected and hey if you don’t have a lot of extra cash here are some great ideas that will help you stay close and not pinch your wallet!

Cheap or Free Date night ideas:

1. Rent a movie from your local library. They have grants to help fund their facility and many provide the new releases! Often times they have movies in our area that our Family Video does not have!

2. $5 game. You can really play this in many places but just to give you some examples. Take $5 each to a Arcade and see who wins the most tickets. Or to a Antique shop, Thrift store, dollar tree. I love this game and honestly have won several of these games. They are a great competitive game that appeals to your inner child!

3. Print the Restaurant coupons and use them for free or cheap appetizers, desserts or meals

4. How about a nice relaxing bath for two? Got Milk?  The lactic acid in milk acts as a mild yet effective exfoliate (which really means it removes dead skin leaving you silky smooth). Just grab your powdered milk from the kitchen and make up a batch of 1 cup (any type of powdered milk you have will work). Just pour the already made cup of milk to your bath water and relax and enjoy. Also add some lavender if you want a fragrance.

5. Play Bingo! Yeah I said it play bingo. It doesn’t really cost much to play and you could win! I love playing bingo gets you out of the house, you could win big and a great way to chat and meet other couples.

6. Read a book together out loud to one another. This is great for those of you who like to read. And you can rent a book and it will be free. Or download a free Ebook on amazon.com.

7.Check out local coupon booklets or brochures and be a tourist in your town. Explore new places and do new activities.

8. Hit up a local winery or wine trail. They also have Brewery tastings for those of you that do not enjoy wine. This is a great way to meet local business and also taste local wines. In my opinion my local wines in western New York are my favorite. Some even have coupons for wine!


9. Got to an open skating at a ice or roller skating rinks.

10. Go for a bike ride. You can rent one from a local shop or buy one at a thrift store.

11. Hike, walk or rock climb. How easy it is to pack a couple lunches,  a blanket and backpack? Hit the trails for some fun nature watching, or just exploring. In many cases some places even have river tubing, horseback riding or rock climbing for pretty cheap.

12. Have a cozy camp fire. Hot dogs and smores are cheap and easy to make!

13. Treat yourselves to a matinee movie. Signup for local theaters newsletters and score free popcorn printable coupons. Students also get a discount by showing their cards. (great for those of us going to back to college online).

14. Make dinner or a recipe together. Pizza, quiche or tacos for examples.

15. Visit a car or motorcycle show. I know ladies you are not impressed BUT they have vendors including jewelry, purses etc. They also have funnel cakes, wine and beer vendors!


 16. Game night: Try Skip-bo , Yatzee or Apples to Apples with another couple.

17. Visit Groupon.com and pick some activities or overnight stay. This can be pricey BUT you don’t have to choose one that’s expensive. They come with restaurant gift cards and gift cards to local attractions.

18. Hop in Auctionzip.com and locate an auction in your area. Nothing is more bonding then rummaging through someone Else’s junk and finding treasures together. Or visit local yard sales.

19. Hit a Karaoke night. This is free entertainment and can be very amusing to watch each other make fools of their selves trying to sing greatest hits. Just try and remember not to use hurtful words keep it friendly.

20. This one I saved for last because I truly feel is one of the most important ideas. Have a date with other couples. Being around other couples helps you realize your strengths and weakness’. It can also make you thankful and admire your partner. Seeing how other couples react and are with one another can really help you evaluate and appreciate your situation.

Plus its a great bonding experience socially with friends. 
